Joshua 4:24 “That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the LORD, that it is mighty: that ye might fear the LORD your God for ever.”

No New Problems

When Israel crossed the Jordan River, it was not the first time they had encountered water that walled them off from their intended destination. Years before, as they fled Egypt, they had crossed the Red Sea as on dry ground, and now God parted the waters of Jordan for them in the same way! God wanted them to make a memorial on the other side of the river so that “all people” might fear the LORD “forever”.

When you read the Bible, you find out that there are no new problems. Characters come and go, but the problems are still the same! God’s answers for these problems are not old-fashioned; they are timeless.

There is nothing you will face today that is, in essence, what someone else has not faced before, and God is still the same. You do not need an old-fashioned answer; you need a timeless God. What He has said, you can take to the bank. What He has promised, He will do.

The Bible you hold is real-time, relevant, and animated by the God Who spoke It. There are no new problems, just new people. There are no new answers, just timeless answers from a timeless God.

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