Joshua 5:9  “And the LORD said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the re-proach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal unto this day.”

Foggy or Fresh?

As I walked out the door the other day, I mentioned to my wife that the day was going to be a nasty one. It was gloomy outside with a dense fog hovering near the ground. At that point in time, nothing looked on the bright side because there was no bright side! Ironically, the forecast called for a beautiful Tennessee spring day. Once the sunshine burned through and the fog rolled away, it was exactly the gorgeous day they said it would be!

Perhaps you feel like you are living under a fog and the forecast for your day is unfavorable. I am so glad that we serve a God Who can roll the “fog” away! The children of Israel left Egypt behind and began a new journey into the Promised Land.

A fresh commitment and surrender to God precedes a fresh provision from God. Sometimes we want something new from God today, but we are not willing to let go of what we have been holding on from yesterday. That is living your day under a fog instead of God’s fresh provision.

Surrender to God is not a “blank check” for the rest of your life; surrender to God should be a current commitment that is fresh each day. Don’t let the fog of past successes or failures drift in and cloud your service to God today. God provides naturally and supernaturally, but never forget that God is the One Who provides. God frees from the past those who surrender their future. Is the forecast for your day foggy or fresh?

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