Judges 6:12 “And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.”

Are You a Hero?

Every day must have felt like a Monday to Gideon. Can you imagine if you were Gideon’s sandals? He was overwhelmed by his circumstances. He was overshadowed by his own family. He was underpowered when compared to the Midianites.

I think Gideon, like many people, was waiting for a hero to swoop in and answer all his concerns. Sometimes God doesn’t send a hero; He makes a hero. Instead of waiting for a hero, maybe you are the hero! God will enable you to do what only He can do.

God receives the greatest glory when He does the greatest things through the smallest people. That was the theme of Gideon’s life! The children of Israel needed a hero, but the hero was already there. Gideon was not mighty, not much of a man, and not valiant, yet God said, “The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.”

You will never know what your potential is until you have problems. Gideon didn’t know that he had everything for which he was praying. Valor? He had it because God was with him. Might? He had it because God had sent him.

When you ask God for a hero, realize that God may be sending you. Be willing to be the person you wish God to send. Be willing to take the action you wish someone to take. You may be the hero you are looking for!

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