Judges 8:4 “And Gideon came to Jordan, and passed over, he, and the three hundred men that were with him, faint, yet pursuing them.”

Problems While Pursuing

When I read Judges chapter 8, I cannot help but remember a message preached in college chapel one spring. We were weary college students and needed encouragement about being faint yet still pursuing the objective God had given us. I really needed that!

It is interesting to take note of all the groups of people that Gideon encountered as he pursued the Midianites. The truth is, you learn about other people by the way they act toward you, but you learn about yourself by the way you react to them. Let’s look at a few groups of people Gideon met along the way:

1. The men of Ephraim (verse 1) were mad because Gideon didn’t call them when he went to battle. The battle was over and the victory was secured, but these guys had wounded pride.

2. The men of Succoth (verse 5) didn’t want to give bread to Gideon’s army before the battle was over. They were uncommitted people. Gideon needed help, but the men of Succoth were not willing to risk something of their own.

3. Jether, Gideon’s son (verse 20), was a reluctant partner. Gideon was depending on his son, but Jether “drew not his sword: for he feared, because he was yet a youth.” It is tough to continue pursuing when a partner won’t “pull the trigger”!

4. The men of Israel (verse 22) had a flattering perspective. But being king was not what Gideon was pursuing. Have you ever been flattered? Don’t believe it! If you are easily flattered, you will be easily discouraged.

Yes, Gideon was faint. Yes, Gideon still pursued. Proverbs 24:10 says, “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.” What does your response to people while “pursuing” say about you? Don’t let problems distract you from the objective God has given you!

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