I Samuel 10:14 “And Saul’s uncle said unto him and to his servant, Whither went ye? And he said, To seek the asses: and when we saw that they were no where, we came to Samuel.”

The Small Stuff

Imagine for a moment that someone really, really big is coming to your hometown. Let’s suppose it is a famous world dignitary. You take the entire day off work, get up early to miss the traffic congestion, and grab breakfast at McDonald’s drive-thru window on your way. Well, not only do you have a great view, but you also have a front-row space right next to the dignitary. As he passes by, you actually shake his hand and speak to him!

Now, imagine you are back home after such an event, and your neighbor asks you, “What did you do today?” You would not reply, “Oh, I got breakfast at McDonald’s.” While it is true that you bought breakfast there, you would be understating the main point just a little, wouldn’t you?

A similar story happens in the book of First Samuel. In chapter 10, Saul didn’t meet a king; he was anointed king. When he returned home, his uncle asked him, “What did you do today?” Saul replied that he he had been chasing donkeys and talked to Samuel. That is kind of understated, isn’t it? Saul had a funny reply to a small matter when something big was in view!

So what can we can learn from this story? First of all, don’t sweat the small stuff. Sometimes we are so intent on “chasing donkeys” that we miss the bigger purpose. You don’t have to see God working to know that He is. You don’t have to understand every way that God is working to know that He is. Don’t be so wrapped up and worried about small things that you miss the important thing!

Second of all, don’t scorn the small stuff. The reason Saul was in place to be anointed king is that he was doing what he should have been doing. He was chasing his father’s donkeys. Our lives aren’t completely made up with the sublime; most of our days are filled with the “ho-hum,” day-to-day activities that culminate in the essence of our life. Don’t sweat the small stuff, but don’t scorn the small stuff either!

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