I Samuel 21:10 “And David arose, and fled that day for fear of Saul, and went to Achish the king of Gath.”

How Does Your World Look?

Think about the people in your life. Out of all those people, only a handful are probably invested and interested in you. Do you like the people in your world? The better question is, do you like the kind of people you are attracting to your world?

King Saul looked around and saw people who were dishonest, self-serving, and cut-throat. They were exactly like him! He had driven off the people who were loyal, brave, and selfless. We find that David fled to Gath—the enemy—to escape Saul. David began acting like an enemy because that’s the way Saul treated him!

How are the people in your world? We tend to get what we give. We tend to get what we expect. We tend to attract what we reward and repel what we punish.

As a parent, you will not get what you want; you will get what you are. You will not get what you want; you will get what you give. You will not get what you want; you will get what you reward. That is true in a marriage, in a home, and in a country.

What are you giving? What are you expecting? What are you rewarding? If you don’t like the way your world looks, the answer may be you!

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