Psalm 20:7 “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.”

Insufficient Power

Whatever you need, God is able to provide it. He is in control, and we do well when we remember that truth and trust Him. God will do what we cannot when we do what we should.

Chariots were the most powerful weapon known in the psalmist’s day. That is why the Syrians, by way of example, attributed their dominating success to the flat land (where the chariots were advantageous). I Kings 20 reminds us that God is the God of the hills and the valleys. It was not a superstitious place that gave victory; it was the Lord who gave it.

Do you know anyone that is currently relying on horses and chariots for victory? Does your neighbor have a chariot in his garage? That is the point! No one fears a chariot in 2013. What the Syrians trusted in has now become just a relic with no real power. How futile! In spite of our advancements in technology, military power, and transportation, we still forget the Source of our victory, too!

We are sitting on the greatest sum of human knowledge any generation has every possessed. Things we take for granted today were major ordeals a hundred years ago. What has not changed is our need to trust (“remember”) the Lord. If you trust in the most cutting edge technology today, you are trusting in something that will soon be “old-fashioned.” God is not old-fashioned or antiquated; He is real-time right now. His power is never diminished.

Don’t place your trust in something today that will not last, will not keep up with the times, and will not succeed. Trust the LORD God Who spoke the world into existence, Who made you, and Who cares for you. He will be just as powerful tomorrow as He is today, and He is just as powerful today as He ever was.

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