I Kings 5:5 “And, behold, I purpose to build an house unto the name of the LORD my God, as the LORD spake unto David my father, saying, Thy son, whom I will set upon thy throne in thy room, he shall build an house unto my name.”

Greater Work

Sometimes we can be impressed by the physical size of a structure. Sometimes we can be impressed by the wealth of a structure’s design. In the case of Solomon’s Temple in I Kings chapter 5, both were true! It was a magnificent temple in every sense of the word.

So let me ask you: Who built Solomon’s Temple? Did slaves build it? Did King David build it? Or did Solomon build it? Well, no matter the skill or muscle, no one could have ever built the temple alone. In fact, Solomon did not have all of the materials to build the temple! Fine, then. Whose idea was it to build the temple? That wasn’t Solomon, either!

Let’s review. Solomon’s Temple was David’s vision, completed by scores of people with materials from others, including the King of Tyre. The truth is, any work of God worth doing is bigger than you but should include you. You must keep a proper perspective. Solomon’s work in building the temple was just as important as the stone workers and tree cutters. The temple was bigger than Solomon, but it would have not been built without Solomon.

Don’t have “tunnel vision” in your part of God’s work that you forget that His work is greater than you are. Likewise, don’t neglect your part of God’s work! Anything worth doing for God is bigger than you, but—thank God—it includes you!

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