I Kings 7:51 “So was ended all the work that king Solomon made for the house of the LORD. And Solomon brought in the things which David his father had dedicated; even the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, did he put among the treasures of the house of the LORD.”

Living Beyond Your Lifetime

How much of you will they bury when you die? I suppose they’ll bury all of you! Now think about how much you invest in your body every day. Soap, deodorant, hair spray, and clothing are not bad things, but they will all be gone when you are. The only thing that will remain is what you invest in people.

David wanted to build God a temple. When he could not, he invested in his son, Solomon, who would build it. David left this life, but David left a son. Solomon got all of the treasure for the temple from his father! David’s battles prepared for Solomon’s building.

Everything you invest in the physical body you have will be gone before you are or buried with you when you die. The significance of your life will be based on the value of your investment. So, again, I ask you: How much of you will they bury?

If you only invest in the “here and now,” you are in trouble. However, even the smallest investment in the next generation will be rewarded. When you invest in others, you will live beyond your lifetime! What will you leave behind when you leave this life?

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