Job 21:4 “As for me, is my complaint to man? and if it were so, why should not my spirit be troubled?”

Misunderstanding Others

Have you ever been misunderstood? Have you ever misunderstood someone else? Of course! We often misunderstand others because we misjudge God. When you have the proper estimation of God, it is amazing how other people and concerns fall into place!

Job was a man who was misunderstood. He went through trouble most of us could not begin to imagine. Your worst day is probably still better than Job’s! To add insult to injury, Job’s own friends heaped more pain upon him. Contrary to his friends’ thinking, health and wealth are not always an indication of God’s blessing. On the flip side, hardship is not always an indication of God’s displeasure.

Even when you do not understand God and your friends do not understand you, God knows you. That’s a wonderful truth! We make assumptions based on what others say or act, or based on what we think they mean, but God knows each one of us perfectly. Make it your business to know God, and that will inform all of your other understanding.

We misunderstand people when we misjudge God. How do you view other people today? Do you look at others the same way Job’s friends looked at him? The more you know about God, the more you can comprehend other people. It’s not our job to have everyone figured out, but you will do better with people when you make it your business to know more about God.

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