Psalm 25:5 “Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.”

Hurry Up and Wait!

Sometimes waiting can be very uncomfortable. For the most part, we are comforted by noise and speed. It does not matter where we are going or what is being accomplished, as long as noise is made and things happen! When it comes to driving, I would rather make good time going somewhere than to stop and ask directions to where I am supposed to be.

Waiting is the exact opposite. Regardless of your temperament, it is not natural to wait. Psalm 25 reminds us of just how important it is to wait. What does it mean to “wait on God”? It means to trust God! Psalm 25:2 says, “O my God, I trust in thee.” It is one thing to trust God; it is another thing to patiently trust God.

It is relatively easy to trust God when you think you know how He is going to provide. It is a horse of a different color to trust God when you can’t see how God will possibly answer or provide! Are you trusting God? Better yet, how are you trusting God?

You will never be late when you decide to wait on God. When you choose to wait on God, you will always be in the right place, at the right time, and ready for the right thing. God is worthy of our waiting. He is “in it for the long haul,” and He knows what is best. So, hurry up and wait on God today!

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