Psalm 28:6 “Blessed be the LORD, because he hath heard the voice of my supplications.”

Prayer Changes Things

On our annual evangelistic outreach to New York City, we wear red aprons that say, “Prayer Changes Things.” We invite people to stop by our prayer station so we might pray for their specific needs and share with them their greatest need, salvation in Jesus Christ.

While I was wearing one of those red aprons, a man approached me and said, “You know what prayer changes, don’t you? Prayer changes you.” So, which way is it? Does prayer change things, or does prayer only change the person praying?

C.H. Spurgeon said, “The goal of prayer is the ear of God.” That’s true! I might also add that the goal of prayer is the answer of God. The reason you want God to hear is so He will answer! Prayer is not simply therapeutic; prayer is powerful.

Yes, prayer does change you, but that is not the point. Prayer changes you because God hears and answers you. Prayer changes things!

My friend in New York City dismissed the truth that prayer changes things. It may well be that God needs to change me, but I can think of no faster way to find that out than to pray. The point of prayer (asking) is receiving. The God Who tells us to pray is the God Who wants to answer, so ask Him!

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