Psalm 30:10 “Hear, O LORD, and have mercy upon me: LORD, be thou my helper.”

Dependence in Prayer

People without problems do not pray. That is why, if you’ve ever encountered someone who failed to see his need, you were limited in what help you could offer. Prayer is, at its very essence, about my need and God’s ability to answer.

I have a pastor friend in the Western States who recently said, “Prayer is not natural until it’s necessary.” That is so true! I remember when I had a tire blow out on my fifth-wheel trailer in the middle of nowhere in Arizona. I had nowhere to go and I felt squeezed (literally) and panicked. The first words I heard myself say out loud were, “God, help me!” I knew I was in trouble!

We see our weakness in our trouble, and we see God’s grace in His deliverance. If you think back to the time you were closest to God, it was when you felt the need for Him more than ever. You are far better to be in over your head, and know your need, than to be smug and unaware of your need.

Determine to show your dependence upon God today. If today goes well, thank God for the good things He has given you. If today does not go well, remember to go to God for what you need.

“And in my prosperity I said, I shall never be moved . . . thou didst hide thy face , and I was troubled. I cried unto thee, O LORD; and unto the LORD I made supplication.”

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