Psalm 37:1 “Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.”

Peace and Perspective

Have you looked at the news recently? It is almost a cliché to say that the news is discouraging. It is full of everything that is wrong in the world. What is right is labeled as wrong; what is wrong is labeled as right. People with evil intentions are applauded; people with character are mocked. Sometimes events happening across the country or the world can steal your peace and leave you discouraged.

I am so glad that we do not have to rely on the news for our peace! Psalm 37 reminds us that God’s peace comes from God’s perspective. You cannot have His peace while looking through your eyes. God never wrings His hands or worries about world events. He spoke this world into existence!

If you could view the past, present, and future through God’s perspective, can you imagine how different your outlook on today would be? How you feel about today is a reflection on your focus. A wrong focus yields wrong feelings, while a proper focus yields proper feelings. The question is, through whose perspective are you viewing life, yours or God’s?

God is not limited to the nightly news or breaking news. He is not worried; He is in control. He is changeless, and He can change things. His peace comes from His perspective. May God help us to look and live from His perspective today.

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