Psalm 75:6-7  “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.”

Who Is Promoting You?

Everyone today is a self-promoter. There are books written about how to increase your “brand” and promote yourself better. Some people have blogs and websites; many of us use social media to help spread our message. None of these avenues are wrong, but you must begin by analyzing the kind of progress you are seeking. Are you seeking to be known? Are you trying to succeed in some measurable way? Are you doing it because everyone else is doing it?

While there are hundreds of different promotions, Psalm 75 tells us that there are really two sources of promotion: man-made or God-given. No matter what you do, if God is not the source of your promotion, you are seeking an empty thing.

Think of characters in the Bible whom God promoted. I think of Joseph, Moses, David, and Esther. They were all promoted by God, and they all had trouble because God promoted them. Yet He had a purpose for promoting each of them.

The foundation for your purpose in life is following God’s plan for you. He is the One who raises up and puts down. Trust His plan for you because the kind of promotion God gives truly makes a difference is this world.

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