Psalm 79:9 “Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name’s sake.”

The More God Owns…

I love kids. More specifically, I love my kids. I spend a lot of money on kids—my three kids. I spend time each day solving kid problems. Do you want to guess what kid problems I solve? That’s right! My kids. They are my kids and my responsibility. Since I “own” them, I have a heart to answer their requests and to supply their needs.

The truth is, the more God owns, the more you can ask. If it is your family, your money, and your plans, then how successful those things are depends on you. If God owns them, then He will supply each one. In Psalm 79, the psalmist gives ownership of his problems to God. Nehemiah gave ownership of Jerusalem, God’s people, and the rebuilding of the wall to God. That is a great place to be in! The more God owns, the more you can ask!

Our problem is not that we ask too much; our problem is that God owns too little. The question is, how much does God own of your plans, your money, your family, and your worries? If God owns them, then you have the right to ask Him. Does He own all of you and your problems?

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