Psalm 83:1 “Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not my peace, and be not still, O God.”

Noise and Silence

After watching the evening news recently, I am convinced that the world is full of rotten, noisy people. To be rotten is one thing; to be noisy is one thing; to be both rotten and noisy is a different matter altogether! Whether it is nationally or internationally, our world is full of rotten, noisy people!

Noise does not equal power, and silence does not equal indifference, passivity, or weakness. Many people make noise about their sin, and sometimes it seems as if God is silent. Don’t mistake God’s silence for inability or indifference!

That being said, it is not necessarily wrong to ask God to make Himself known or to “make some noise.” The psalmist did so in Psalm 83! Just like in our day, he found evil all around and God seemingly absent. The noise always gets your attention, but there is more to the story. God sees the big picture and He knows the beginning from the end.

God is powerful whether you see His power or not (verse 18). When everything and everyone else is making all the noise in the world, make it a point to think about Him. God may be silent, but He is not weak. Put your focus on the One who is remaining silent but can change things instead of on all the noisy things you see on a daily basis!

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