Psalm 86:11 “Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.”

One in a Million

I am comforted in the fact that in a world full of a million problems, God can focus on mine. That is amazing! When I am “poor and needy,” aren’t there a lot of other poor and needy people? There are many people praying at any given time, but God has the ability to focus on me. I can’t focus on more than one of my three kids at once; how much greater is God’s capacity and love!

It is amazing that in a world of a million problems, God can focus on yours. The question is, in a world of a million answers, will you focus on God’s? There are all kinds of places and people to go to get answers today. Who is your “go-to” person?

The way to know God’s peace and presence is to learn His way, walk in his truth, and have a heart that is solely focused on Him. (verse 11) How encouraging that, out of millions of problems, God can focus on mine. Out of millions of answers, is my heart focused on His?

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