Psalm 91:2 “I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.”

Does God Use Angels?

Do you believe in angels? I rather suspect you do. A better question is, what do you believe about angels? There are books and made-for-tv movies about angels, but what does the Bible say about angels?

God speaks about angels on several occasions in the Bible, and while we do not know everything about them, we do know some details. At the end of the day, an angel is a minister and a messenger. An angel is a minister of God and a messenger for Him. You can be thankful for angels, but put your trust in the Source of the help!

Don’t miss the wonderful promise of protection in Psalm 91 by getting hung up on one verse in the middle of the chapter about angels. It is comforting to think about an angel who may minister to me personally, but the real comfort is in the God who sent the angel!

Whether or not God uses an “agent” like an angel, He is the One you should trust. I do believe in angels because the Bible speaks of them. I am encouraged when I think about their ministry to me. But I must not forget that the Almighty and most High God is “my refuge, and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.” God may use a familiar face or even an angel, but my help comes from God!

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