Psalm 114:1-2 “When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language; Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion.”

God Will Make a Way

Some people feel discouraged because they feel like it is impossible to know God’s will. Other people feel discouraged because they know God’s will but feel it is impossible. Truthfully, often times God’s will is impossible! That is, it is impossible to us but not to God. God will make a way.

Psalm 114 demonstrates this truth in the story of Israel. God’s will and plan for Israel at this particular point in their history was very plain: He wanted them out of Egypt. But that was impossible! There were people who wanted to hold them in, a sea that wanted to hem them in, and a wilderness that wanted to starve them out.

The Bible says, “The sea saw it, and fled. . . .” The waters did not flee because of Israel; they fled because of God! Israel was safe because God was with them, and God’s presence comes with God’s power. God’s will comes with a way. When you follow God’s will, He will always make a way!

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