Psalm 119:11 “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”

Getting More from God’s Word

Have you read the Bible in the past twenty-four hours? A better question is, what have you read in the Bible in the past twenty-four hours? If you don’t know what you’ve read, you really haven’t done anything!

The Bible isn’t magical; it is supernatural. The Bible makes a difference as you think, contemplate, and meditate on what it says. The goal is not to get through the Bible; the goal is for the Bible to get through to you!

Here are some practical tips on getting more from the Bible. First, read less and think more. Most of us could stand to read more, but if you must choose between reading more and understanding what you are reading, choose to meditate. Make sure the time and place you choose is conducive to reading and thinking. Choose a quiet time and place where you can get what the Bible says!

Second, copy and carry. That is, try copying a verse or two you’ve read onto a 3×5 card and carry it with you throughout the day. Find a way that works for you, but take God’s Word with you and meditate on it. I have found that walking and talking helps my comprehension. You may think that sounds or looks funny, but it works for me! I also find that underlining and marking words, phrases, and themes helps me see what God has said.

You are not helping yourself if you do not think about what you read in the Bible. You can’t think about God’s Word if you do not read it. You won’t read the Bible if you do not make it a priority. So, what did you read today? What does it mean?

“I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.” Psalm 119:15

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