Psalm 136:1 “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.”

Mercy and Power

Psalm 136 is all about God’s mercy! You can’t possibly miss the refrain, “for his mercy endureth for ever.” In the twenty-six verses of Psalm 136, you will find God’s mercy described by God’s power. For example, He does great wonders; He made the heavens, earth, the sun, moon and stars; He smote Egypt; He divided the Red Sea; and He defeated powerful leaders. In a song about mercy, it is God’s power—His raw, unmeasurable, absolute power—that grabs the headlines.

The truth is, there can be no mercy if there is no power. Until you recognize
God’s power, His mercy will mean nothing to you. We stand in awe at God’s power; we give thanks for His mercy.

God’s mercy is absolute and enduring. He does not need mercy because He is outrageously perfect and enormously powerful. When He gives mercy, it endures forever. Just think about how many times God has forgiven you in the last seven days. He has been merciful to you and me!

It is on the basis of God’s mercy that faulty and frail humans give mercy to one another. (Ephesians 4:32) We stand in awe of God’s amazing power, but we give God thanks for his miraculous, absolute, enduring mercy. When God gives you mercy today, it is something He is actively and powerfully doing!

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