Psalm 143:1 “Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faith-fulness answer me, and in thy righteousness.”

How Much Does God Own?

How much can you ask of God? Why would He listen and answer? Well, if you are anything like the psalmist of Psalm 143, you have a lot to ask! Is that being selfish? Whose needs do you know the best, yours or mine? Yours, of course! You are the most knowledgeable about your needs, so why shouldn’t you be the one asking?

The truth is, the more God owns, the more you can ask. The psalmist said, “… for I am thy servant.” If God “owns” me, then He is the One who has to provide. When God owns everything, you can ask anything! If you own your plans, your money, and your future, why should you ask God for anything?

God is never in need, but you always are. He is everything you need and everything you are not. That is why I ask and He answers! So, how much of you and your things does God own? If God owns all of me, I can ask for anything! If I own it all, praying is a sham.

Don’t neglect asking God for what you need today. If you own your plans, your problems, your day, and your desires, you cannot ask God for it. But when you come to God as His servant, without claim or deed to anything, you can ask Him for whatever you need. The more God owns, the more you can ask.

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