Jeremiah 33:1 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah the second time, while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison…

Our God of Restoration

How many times have you needed a second chance? You’ve probably needed a second chance more times than you can recall, if you’re anything like me. I’m so thankful that we serve a God of restoration. God’s very nature is to restore broken people, ruined things, and hopeless futures. We serve a God of restoration.

In Jeremiah 33 we see God coming a second time to Jeremiah. Jeremiah 33:1 says, “Moreover the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah the second time, while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison.” God had come to Jeremiah in chapter 32 and told him that He was going to restore the land. He told Jeremiah to buy seemingly useless property in expectation of that fulfillment. Remember, faith is buying into something we cannot see based on the certainty of God’s character. We serve a God Who comes the second time.

Not only that, but we see that God goes the second mile. Chapter 33 is full of verses in which God says, “I will, I will, I will.” God would slay enemies, return Judah from her captivity, and bring healing and cleansing. God goes the second mile by coming a second time. He brings judgment, but He brings healing. He wants people who will know Him in the fullness that He intends. God is a God of restoration.

Thirdly, we see that God gives a second chance. Beginning in Jeremiah 33:10 we see over and over this beautiful word “again”. Again there will be joy, again there will be flocks, and again there will be weddings. Beginning in verse 14 you find the idea that the day will come. He’s talking about a day that is yet in the future.

 God is a God of second chances. Jeremiah 33, in a grand cosmic sweep and scale that spans into the yet distant future, reminds us that on a smaller, individual scale, we serve a God of restoration. He comes a second time. He goes the second mile. He gives the second chance.

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