Jeremiah 39:18 For I will surely deliver thee, and thou shalt not fall by the sword, but thy life shall be for a prey unto thee: because thou hast put thy trust in me, saith the LORD.

Live For the Long Haul

The majority of things that are real are way beyond our sight. Take the material universe. Most of the universe is way beyond our ability to see even with telescopes or microscopes. Now, while we are learning more and more, the time will never come when we will be able to see everything there is to see in the material universe. Faith is not short-sighted; faith is living beyond what I can see to what God knows. Faith is living for the long haul.

King Zedekiah would not hearken to God’s prophet, but insisted on living in light of what he could see right before him. Jeremiah 39:8 says, “And the Chaldeans burned the king’s house, and the houses of the people, with fire, and brake down the walls of Jerusalem.” Whose fault was this? Well, certainly this was the judgment of God, and certainly He used the king of Babylon, but in Jeremiah 38:23 the prophet told Zedekiah, “Thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire.” So here’s a man who cursed himself by ignoring what God knew, and insisted on living in light of what he could perceive with his own eyes.

 In contrast to King Zedekiah, Jeremiah, way back in Jeremiah 1, accepted God’s call even though he didn’t believe he had the ability to give God’s message to the people. Jeremiah decided he would live beyond what he could see concerning his own abilities, and live up to what God knew.  Faith is not short-sighted.

So who do you trust today? What do you trust today? Are you trusting your sight? Or are you trusting what God knows? Faith isn’t short-sighted. You can live longer, better, and see farther when you put your faith in the God who made you.

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