Ezekiel 2:7-8 And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious. But thou, son of man, hear what I say unto thee; Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee.

What is Success?

All of us want to succeed. But what is success? If you haven’t defined success, then how are you ever going to reach it? If you haven’t defined success, then you just meander through life until the end when you look back and realize that nothing has happened worthy of eternity.

Perhaps the only thing worse than not correctly defining success is wrongly defining it. There are some very ambitious people who are going headlong toward the wrong goal. If the devil can make you wrongly define success, then he has won before he has even begun.

So what is success? That would be a good question to ask the prophet Ezekiel. Ezekiel had been surrounded by loss. When his nation went up against the nation of Babylon, his nation lost. He lost his home and possessions, and was in captivity in a land far away. His entire life at this point had been defined by loss. He must have been hungry for success.

The message God gave Ezekiel for rebellious Israel was not a pleasant one. Imagine how Ezekiel must have felt when God came to him and said, “Look, the message I have for you to deliver to Israel is not a happy message, and these are not going to be very happy people who will hear it from you. In fact, I won’t promise you that they will even accept your message.  But don’t be afraid of them.” Would Ezekiel have felt successful?

If you look for a definition of success in Ezekiel 2, you come away with a very clear understanding that in God’s eyes success is obeying God and leaving the results to Him. I’m not saying the results don’t matter.  What I’m saying is that ultimately we can accomplish a lot of things, but miss success. Whatever you do today, remember that success is obeying God and leaving the results to Him.

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