Ezekiel 29:9 And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste; and they shall know that I am the LORD: because he hath said, The river is mine, and I have made it.

When We Own We’re on Our Own

How much do you own? Well, it may be that you own very little, or it may be that God has blessed you with quite a stewardship. The more you own, the more you have to worry about. 

The empire of Egypt figures prominently into the history of Israel. The very name of Pharaoh conjures up images of wealth, power, and monuments that have survived the ages. So much of that wealth was the result of the Nile River. Egypt had grown accustomed to owning everything.  Pharaoh had grown so accustomed to his own power that he thought he owned everything, and had created the very Nile River that had brought him so much prosperity.

This pride is exactly what set him against God, and the reason why God told Ezekiel to set his face against Egypt and against Pharaoh. Ezekiel was to tell them that God was against them. Pharaoh had said that his river was his own, and he himself had made it. Here is a man that had been seduced into thinking that he was the owner of everything in his world. Well, Pharaoh is dead and gone, but God Almighty remains.

It would be a truly sad and small world that I could own. The more we grasp to own, the more worry and anxiety we own. God’s words against Egypt remind us that we are on our own whenever we deny God’s ownership. Peace, security, and perspective all come when we realize that God is the Creator. He owns this world, and we can leave it to Him.

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