With God, Nothing is Uncertain

As I read three chapters in Ezekiel, I was reminded of how bored I can be with the tiny details of other people’s lives, and how keenly interested I am in my own future. These three chapters are the specifications of a temple that was and is yet to be built. Even though the description of this temple shows that it will be grander than Solomon’s temple, you can still slog through the next three chapters as if you would looking at the blueprints of somebody else’s house. It’s easy to glaze over and miss the glorious detail that God has planned for the future.

In Ezekiel 1, Ezekiel was taken from the mundane, the present, the shackles of existence as a slave in a far-off land, and was transported in a vision by God Almighty to a high mountain in Israel to witness pictures of the future. God pulled back the curtain and allowed Ezekiel to see, to some extent, as God Himself does.

Why did God go through all the trouble of giving all this great detail to Ezekiel? Well, on one level the answer is given in verse 4 where it says, “And the man said unto me, Son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall shew thee; for to the intent that I might shew them unto thee art thou brought hither: declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel.” God wanted Ezekiel to catch a glimpse of the future so he could give hope to God’s bound, discouraged, defeated people.

Ezekiel was very limited. He was a slave, living on flat land, in the present, and God took him to a high mountain where he could literally see into the future.  Now think about your own perspective in your own day. While you may not be shackled as a slave, there are many things that bind us. Time binds us. Perspective binds us. The present binds us. Life is anything but certain. Too often if we’re not afraid, we’re just bored. How refreshing to remember that with God nothing is uncertain-not the future, not His plans, and not His love for you. It’s obvious to me that God has our future planned in glorious detail. Don’t be so wrapped up by the present that you fail to be encouraged by the future that God holds in His hands.

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