John 16:14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

Only Jesus Would Do What Jesus Can Do

What can you do? Can you run a sub-5 minute mile? Can you speak three different languages? Have you read War and Peace? There may be a lot that you can do, but there are certainly many things that neither of us can do. What can Jesus do? Someone says, “Anything. Everything.” And, of course, that is true. The more compelling question is “What would Jesus do?” Someone says, “Anything.” Well, no, of course not. Jesus can do anything, but He only wants to do what is the Father’s will to do.

In John 16 Jesus talks about the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. He says of the Holy Spirit in verse 14, “He shall glorify me.” The Holy Spirit can do what I cannot do by natural inclination or by my natural power. He can glorify the Lord Jesus and the Father.

Jesus owns a lot that I do not. If you look at John 15:8-11, Jesus speaks of “my disciples,” “my love,” “my commandments,” and “my joy.” In John 15:26-27, Jesus talks about “my message,” and He says the Holy Spirit “shall testify of me,” and “ye also shall bear witness.” So Jesus basically says, “Look, the Holy Spirit of God is going to tell people about Me, and you are going to tell people about Me as my disciples.”  When does the Holy Spirit tell people about Jesus? The answer is, largely and often, when I do. Jesus tells them through me.

How can I obey Jesus’ commandments? How can I have Jesus’ love? How can I have Jesus’ joy? The key is that I am His disciple. When Jesus owns me, I have everything I need. This would include Jesus’ joy, Jesus’ commands, Jesus’ love, Jesus’ message, and Jesus’ power. Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is God which worketh in you.” What does God work in me? He works in us “both to will [to desire] and to do [to perform] of his good pleasure.”

The bottom line is only Jesus would do what Jesus can do. If you will let the Holy Spirit of God have His way in your life today, you can ask yourself the questions, “What would Jesus think? What would Jesus say? What would Jesus do?” Better yet, let the Spirit of Christ do what needs to be done through you. The Holy Spirit of God will guide you to the Word that Jesus has said, help you see what Jesus has done, and give you the heart to do what only He can do. 

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