Genesis 8:1 And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged.

God Remembers You

Memory is a powerful thing even when a person doesn’t have a powerful memory. For instance, a man may not recollect events or the names of people, but if he remembers his wedding anniversary, that is powerful. It is one thing for people to remember us when they have very little to remember and there isn’t much competition. It is another thing to realize that a God who rules the universe and has been in existence from eternity past remembers not just an epic or an era, but He remembers you and me.

The Bible says in Genesis 8:1, “And God remembered Noah.” God had judged the entire world with a universal flood after He had given people many years to make things right with Him. Noah had been a preacher of righteousness for generations, and yet the people of the world in Noah’s day had turned their backs on God and seemed to shake their fists in His face.

Noah was utterly alone. He was the only man who had a family that loved God in the entire world. I remember my grandfather used to say, “I wish just once I could vote with the majority on something.” Maybe you feel that way, like you are in a small minority. Maybe you feel as if no one in your world cares about God or about doing what is right.

Imagine Noah who literally lived in a world unoccupied by anyone, other than his own family, who loved or knew God. Then imagine the fear of being overwhelmed when God judged with ferocity the whole earth. Noah is in a boat on an infinite ocean, alone in doing what is right. Noah was alone in his obedience and overwhelmed by God’s righteousness, and God remembered Noah.

God remembers you even when you feel alone in your obedience and overwhelmed by God’s righteousness. God, Who has everything that has ever happened and everyone who has ever lived to remember, remembers you because He cares.

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