Exodus 37:1; 38:21-22 And Bezeleel made the ark…This is the sum of the tabernacle, even of the tabernacle of testimony, as it was counted, according to the commandment of Moses…And Bezaleel…made all that the LORD commanded Moses.

Our Most Significant Work


Have you ever heard of the Ark of the Covenant? I’m sure you have because we read about it throughout the Word of God. Have you ever heard about the Ark of God? Again, it’s fairly certain that you have. The book of the Chronicles often refers to this Ark as the Ark of God. Have you ever heard of the Ark of Bezaleel? Have you ever heard of Bezaleel? Who was Bezeleel and what was his ark? The Bible speaks of the Ark of God and the Ark of the Covenant , which are the same thing, in Exodus 37:1, we read “And Bezaleel made the ark.” Bezaleel made the Ark, yet we hear very little about this man.

Why would we hear so very little about Bezaleel and the Ark of the Bezaleel? The answer is because the Ark wasn’t about Bezaleel; it was about God and His covenant.

So, what did Bezaleel make? The Bible tells us that he made the Ark. In fact, the Bible explains to us that he made much more. In Exodus 38:22 it says that Bezaleel made “all that the LORD commanded Moses.”

Why did Bezaleel make it? Exodus 38:21 tells us that “this is the sum of the tabernacle…according to the commandment of Moses.” Bezaleel made all this because God had commanded it. It was according to God’s command and according to God’s provision.Way back in Exodus 31:2-4 God spoke to Moses and said, “See, I have called by name Bezaleel… I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to devise cunning works.

Bezaleel’s name was nowhere on the Ark.  Bezaleel was just a man who took God’s command, obeyed God’s word, followed God’s direction, and accomplished something that was to the credit and glory of God. That is why the Ark is called the Ark of God and not the Ark of Bezaleel.

Our most significant work in life is at God’s direction, according to God’s provision, and for God’s glory. When God gives the energy and the strength; God gets the credit. I cannot think of any work that would be more valuable to do today than that kind of work.

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