I Chronicles 16:15 Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the word which he commanded to a thousand generations.

What Fills Your Mind?

What are you thinking about right now? Can you think on two things at the same time? For instance, I want you to think about pizza, the sum of the numbers 25 and 57, your phone number, and your address all at the same time….Go! Well, no one can do that coherently. Most of us have certain ruts in our mind which is why you probably know what your close friends and family are going to talk about even before they talk. You know what fills their mind. You will never live beyond that with which your mind is filled.

In I Chronicles 16, David praised God as he brought the Ark of God and set it in the midst of the tent that he had prepared for it. Offerings and sacrifices were given. Then David delivered a psalm to thank the Lord. Verse 15 says, “Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the word that he commanded to a thousand generations.”  We are to be mindful, to fill our mind, with God, His character, His covenant, Who He is, and what He does. With whom or what is your mind filled? You will never live beyond that with which your mind is filled.

Some people think about problems. You can’t think about problems and be focused on God at the same time. Verse 8 says, “Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works.” David thought of all the good that God had done in his life. God acted to fulfill the promises He had made.

People also think about self. Later in this psalm David says, “For all the gods of the people are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.” Worship is a result of simply remembering Who God is and what He has done. Of all His creation only man can fail to worship Him. So, give God the glory due His name. When my mind is filled with problems or self, I am never going to live beyond my problems or myself.

Finally, I can and should fill my mind with God Himself. The Bible says that David appointed certain of the Levites to minister before the ark of the LORD and record, mark, remember, mention, think on, thank, and praise the Lord. David’s psalm sang of God, thought of God, told stories of God, and the hearts of the people remembered what God had done. They sought God’s strength because their minds were filled with God.

You will never live beyond that with which your mind is filled. So make sure your mind is filled with God, His goodness, and His grace.

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