Ecclesiastes 7:8 Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

Better Patient than Proud

How many times have you begun a project that you never finished? There is something exciting about a beginning. We commission a ship; we name a child; we break ground for a project. These are all things worthy of celebration, yet the Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 7:8, “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.” The Bible tells us that it is better to be patient than proud, yet our tendency is to be proud and not patient. Pride often begins what only patience can complete.

Here is a man who decides that he wants to look a certain way. So, he is going to do a hundred push-ups every day. That is a noble goal. It is also a goal that can be made out of pride, but it is something that will only be completed by patience.  Vision is good; consistent living is even better. I’m not saying that the two are in conflict or mutually exclusive. I think the two can go together, but it is worthy of noting that the Bible says that the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

In the end, your life will be defined by your actions; your actions will be shaped by your attitude. In fact, there is a sense in which your life is defined by your attitude right now. What God blesses is patience. Begin everything God has made you to begin, but stick with it, keep at it, and give credit where it is due because it is better to be patient than to be proud.

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