Isaiah 40:1 Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.

The Way to Find Comfort

In Isaiah 40:1 it says, “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.” God is speaking in regards to Judah who had faced years of trouble and was going to face more years of exile. Isaiah 40 makes it clear that we find comfort not by minimizing reality but by recognizing God. Being comforted is not a matter of denying the hardship or challenges that we face. It is a matter of focusing on the character and power of God.

The Bible tells us in Isaiah 40:10-11 that God is like a shepherd. He leads with a strong hand and in gentleness. You can’t be gentle unless you are strong. If someone claims to be gentle but has no strength, that is actually weakness not gentleness. God is a God of strength, but He knows how to apply that strength for His people.

Verse 18 asks, “To whom then will ye liken God?” Verse 28 tells us that God is an everlasting God. He is incomparable, unlike anything or anyone else. That means that God is greater than the problems, fears, and adversity you face. The size of your problems depends largely on how you compare them. Do you compare them to your power? Or do you compare them to your God?

God is greater than you can possibly imagine. God is to be worshipped. When you worship Him, your problems become smaller, your vision becomes greater, and you can rest in His comfort.

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