Jeremiah 37:2 But neither he, nor his servants, nor the people of the land, did hearken unto the words of the LORD, which he spake by the prophet Jeremiah.

Fruitless Praying


As you probably know, it is very difficult to have a conversation that only goes one way. All of us have had the frustration of trying to have a conversation with someone who will speak but not listen. Many times I have been guilty of thinking so much about what I will say next that I am ignoring what I should be hearing from someone else.

This is exactly how it was with the king of Judah. Neither King Zedekiah nor the people would listen to Jeremiah’s message from the Lord. King Zedekiah’s story illustrates four marks of pointless, fruitless praying.

Don’t Listen-Verse 2 tells us that Zedekiah did not listen. Verse 3 tells us that he asked Jeremiah to “pray now unto the LORD our God for us.” Here is a man who wanted to hear from God, but he would not listen when God spoke. God can’t help someone who will not listen.

Don’t Depend-Zedekiah did not depend upon God. In verse 7 God talks about how Pharaoh’s army, on whom Zedekiah was relying, was going to return to their own land. The people of Judah were praying to God but depending upon Egypt. Dependence on God is not a feeling; it is a decision.

Don’t Accept-Zedekiah asked God for more guidance when he had rejected what God already told him. Verse 17 says, “Then Zedekiah…asked him [Jeremiah] secretly… Is there any word from the LORD?” Well, the message from God to Zedekiah was the message that God had already given through Jeremiah. God’s revealed truth will not change.

Don’t Change– Here is a king who was asking God for help, but didn’t listen, didn’t depend, didn’t accept, and ultimately didn’t change. This king, sadly, never responded to the direction God gave, yet was still seeking for more direction hoping that somehow it would change. I believe we are to pray persistently, but when God gives an answer, we are to thank Him for it and trust in Him for the answer He has given. Don’t ask if you won’t listen.

I think we know pretty much as much as we want to know. Sometimes we are willingly ignorant, but nobody has to be in the dark. All of us can hear from Heaven and have God’s guidance for life if we will receive the direction we are already being given by God and if we will genuinely seek Him for more.

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