Ezekiel 1:3 The word of the LORD came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the hand of the LORD was there upon him.

Investing your Life Wisely

For most of us, life is going at such a rapid pace and there is so much to grab our attention that we have a hard time focusing on the things that matter the most. Reading and understanding the Word of God is probably a prime example. Most of us are reading the Bible because we have made a decision to do so, but whether we have time to actually think on it and comprehend it is another matter entirely.

Ezekiel was a man who understood what it was to experience sensory overload. He was a captive of the Babylonians in a faraway land. Ezekiel 1:1 says, “Now it came to pass… as I was among the captives by the river Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.” Everything in Ezekiel’s world at this point was foreign to him, and God was about to commission him as a prophet with His message for His own rebellious people.

I don’t know what your circumstance is today, but if all you can do is focus on the hurry and scurry around you, you are going to miss out on the things that are eternal and the things that are most important. God wants us to live in the here and now, but God wants us to live for more than the here and now.

Ezekiel’s story shows us the importance of investing our lives with the awareness that there is a world above our circumstance and beyond our time. All we can see is the world around us, but there is a world that is above our circumstance. God is not mocked or limited. Don’t forget God in your daily dealings of life.

There is a world beyond our time. We are confined to this day, and most of our thoughts are about the here and now. In Ezekiel’s life, God was going to reveal that there was much more than just the here and now. The vision He gave Ezekiel was from Heaven and about the future.

Be sure to invest your life remembering that there is more than here and now, and that God is the One Who should define the way you think today.

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