Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

What You Need to Know


Don’t you want to know more than you actually do? I surely do. There is so much that I just don’t know. From the beginning of time, people have wanted to make sense of their surroundings and their lives, and they have wanted to understand the significance of what happens to them.

How do people make sense of their surroundings? Since the beginning, people have made gods in order to make sense of their lives. They have worshipped that which was created instead of realizing that there must be a Creator.

Now, Israel had seen a lot they did not comprehend. In Deuteronomy 29:1-4 they had seen history, trials, signs, and miracles, but they did not have comprehension because God had not given it. Verse 4 says, “Yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto this day.” It is the same with us today. There are so many things that we just do not comprehend or understand. That is okay. I do not have to know God’s grand design for my life in order to know that there is one.

The wonderful truth of Deuteronomy 29 is that God will reveal everything you need to know in order to do what you need to do. You say, “Brother Wil, I have an issue on which I need to take action this afternoon, and I don’t know the answer.” Well, it’s not this afternoon yet, is it? You will know when you need to know if you are trusting God in order to know.

Deuteronomy 29:29 wraps up the chapter by saying, “The secret things belong unto the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.” God was not just satisfying their curiosity. He was giving them what they needed to know in order to do what they needed to do, and God will always provide the same for you.

There will always be secret things, and these things belong to God. It takes faith to rest them with Him. Likewise, it takes faith to take action on things we already do know. Don’t fain ignorance to protect yourself from the obligation that knowing bring. It takes faith to trust God with what you do not know, and it takes faith to take action on what you do know. God is sufficient in both situations in your life today.

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