Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.

The Way You Think

If I were to ask what the theme of the book of Philippians is, many of us would say, “Joy.” Certainly, it is a theme. Let’s take a quick look in Philippians to see that. In Philippians 2:2 Paul instructs believers to be likeminded, of one mind, and to consider others better than themselves. In verse 5 he says, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Verse 20 says, “For I have no man likeminded…”

In chapter 3 he says, “Let us therefore…be thus minded.” Verse 16 says, “Let us mind the same thing.” In verse 19 he speaks of those “who mind earthly things.”

In chapter 4, Paul beseeches two ladies that they “be of the same mind in the Lord.” In verse 7 he says that the “peace of God…shall keep you hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Verse 8 says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true….think on these things.” In verse 11 he talks about something he had learned, and in verse 12 he speaks of something in which he had been instructed.

So Philippians is a book about joy, right? Although I do think that joy is a theme, we don’t want to miss the other theme. God is obviously concerned about your mind. The way you think determines the joy that you have. It often affects the way that you feel.

Many times we say, “Joy does not come through circumstances.” That is true. So, from whence does joy come? Joy comes through Christ. In what way? Joy comes from having the mind of Christ and being aware of the presence of Christ. If you think like Jesus thinks and are aware of Jesus’ presence, would that affect the joy you have in your life? Yes, certainly!

When Paul repeatedly told believers in this church to be of the same mind, he was speaking against strife and division. Paul lays out the example of humility and obedience that characterizes Christ, and should characterize us. So, joy is better than strife, but that joy comes from changing the way I think.

What about anxiety? Paul talks about praying instead of worrying. When I am aware of Jesus’ presence right now, I think on things that are true, honest, lovely, and so on. I have the peace of God that comes from the God of peace. Anxiety and joy are matters of the mind. I can either be anxious on my own, or I can be aware of the presence of Christ, take my troubles to Him, and have the joy that results.

What about setbacks? Paul was in prison, yet he had joy. He had this joy because he realized that God had a purpose and the gospel would not be thwarted.

Joy may be a theme of Philippians, but it is the result of the right kind of thinking. I am to let the mind and presence of Christ influence my mind and produce my joy.

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