Job 3:11 Why died I not from the womb? why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly?

Your Life is Valuable

What are you worth? You might pull out an empty pocket and say, “Well, some lint and a dollar twenty-five.” If your net worth is the only value you attribute to your life, then your life is tenuous at best.

Job was a man who had everything and then lost it. As for his wife, she told him to “curse God, and die.” As to his friends, he told them, “Miserable comforters are ye all.” Before the calamity, Job was a wealthy man with a prosperous family and a lovely wife. But shortly after Job’s trouble, he was broken, his health was gone, his family was gone, and he had nothing.

Regardless of what anyone else thought, Job wished to die. That is not all that uncommon actually. There have been many servants of God who have wished the same like Moses and Elijah.

In Job 3:11, Job says, “Why died I not from the womb? Why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly?” Verses 20-21 say, “Wherefore is light given to him that is in misery, and life unto the bitter in soul; which long for death.” Job understandably felt as if his life was not worth living. He based that upon what he had lost, and not upon the value God placed upon him.

The important thing to remember is that your life is valuable because of God’s estimation, not yours. There is a difference between valuing your life according to what you have made and according to what God has made. Who God is doesn’t change, but what we make of things may change.

Some days we make a fortune and other days we make a mess, but our virtue is not based on whether we have made a mess or a fortune. Your value is based on the fact that God is your Creator. You make mistakes, but God made you.

Our estimation is frail at best. We can’t see the whole picture. Job had no idea of the conversation that God had had with Satan. So many times we base our worth upon social media or those rare face-to-face conversations we have with people. That is a mistake. Job was misunderstood by others who misspoke for God.

Your life is valuable, and it is valuable every day. Entrust your life to God and steward your life for God. Your life is valuable because of Who God is and because He is the One Who has made you.

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