Psalm 31:5a, 15a Into thine hand I commit my spirit…my times are in thy hand.

You Are in God’s Hands

It’s amazing how differently a person can feel from day to day, is it not? Some days you wake up and feel like you have the world by the tail, could fly to work, and have invincible strength. While I don’t feel that way very often, some days I do feel pretty able, like I’m ready to go. Other days I think, “Man, I just don’t have it. I don’t have strength, smarts, or get-up-and-go. I don’t feel like seeing anyone or doing anything. I just don’t have what I need today.” There are times when we feel that way.

Regardless of how you begin the day feeling, there come times and events in our lives when we realize, “This is out of my hands. I can’t change that person or buy that thing. I can’t solve that problem. It is not in my hands. Even if I had the answer to this question, I’m not going to get the opportunity because things are just out of my hands.”

It is amazing to me that even a warrior, king, and leader such as David was, felt this way at times. In Psalm 31:1 He says, “In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness.” He goes on to essentially say, “God, please be quick and hear me. You are my rock and fortress, and I am in a net that is laid for me.” He continues, “I am having trouble with enemies, neighbors, and acquaintances alike. God, I am in trouble. Things are out of my hands.” Now if things could be out of the hands of a warrior king like David, things can certainly get away from you at any moment.

What you find in this psalm is that even a king needs strength greater than himself. Even a warrior needs a fortress, and that is God. In verse 5 David says, “Into thine hand I commit my spirit.” Jesus quoted this psalm on the cross. Verse 15 says, “My times are in thy hand.” He says, “God, my spirit and my very life are in your hand.”

When things are out of your hands, remember that you are in God’s. That is a wonderful thought! Things can get away from you, but you will never get away from God. When things are out of your control, remember that you are in God’s hands. “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.” Psalm 31:24

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