Matthew 2:2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

Know God’s Word to Know His Son

Who told the wise men where to find Jesus? It was through Herod. The scribes and chief priests of the Jewish people told the wise men that Jesus would be born specifically in Bethlehem of Judaea. They knew this because of what the prophets had said, what God had given through His Word. Who was it that told the scribes, Pharisees, and Herod that there was a child at all? It was the wise men. We are quite sure that they knew about the Christ child through the Scriptures. The wise men probably knew roughly when and where the Messiah would be born and Who He would be. It was not the star that told them, although the star played a role in God’s communication to them. It is fascinating to read Matthew 2 and see all the ways that God communicated the birth of the Lord Jesus to people.

The wise men asked, “Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star.” Verse 5 talks about that which was “written by the prophet.” Verse 12 tells us that God used a dream to speak to the wise men. Verse 15 speaks of that which was “spoken of the Lord by the prophet.” Verse 17 talks about what was spoken of by Jeremiah the prophet. Verse 19 tells us that an angel appeared in a dream to Joseph. Verse 22 tells us that Joseph was “warned of God in a dream.” Verse 23 talks of that “which was spoken by the prophets.” There is a lot of communication going on about the life of Christ.

How did God speak to people during the birth of Christ? We read of a star, a dream, and the writings of many prophets. The real question is, “How does God speak to people regarding His Son now?” Well, we know of stars, angels, and dreams because we read of it in God’s Word! The wise men knew of Jesus’ birth before they saw the star and before they spoke to Herod because had read about it. It was the scribes who told the wise men where Christ would specifically be born, but it was the wise men who announced the event to the scribes.

The more you know God’s Word, the more you know God’s Son. In times past, God has spoken through dreams and angels, but how silly it would be to hope for such things now when you have the completed Word of God. You can know God’s mind on every principle matter in the universe. The more you know God’s Word, not a feeling, a dream, or an angel, the better you know God’s Son. The more you love God’s Word, the more you know God’s Son. The scribes knew there was going to be a Messiah and they knew where he would be born when asked, but they weren’t initiating anything. They had rejected the Christ before He even came. These religious men loved religion but not the Lord Jesus.

The Apostle Peter refers to the amazing, miraculous events he experienced on the Mount of Transfiguration. He says of that event, “We have also a more sure word of prophecy.” Peter is speaking of the Bible! You want to know God’s Son? Know God’s Word. You want to know God’s Son better? Love God’s Word. The more you love God’s Word, the better you know God’s Son.

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