Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Everyone living wants to build a good life, but it is impossible to build a good life on a faulty premise. In the very first words of the very first book of the Bible we find God’s premise for our lives. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Then we read, “God said,” “it was so,” and “it was good.” What God made was good, and what God made was good the way He made it. This is the premise that helps us to be good stewards of life and all that is in it.
Would you say that the world is very good today? Many times in the morning as I am just beginning the day, I have thought of the contrast between the world God has made and what we have made of this world. This is a world full of strife, heartache, sin, and fighting, yet when a new day begins, we see the world as God has made it. Where I live, I oftentimes see deer or wild turkey. I usually see a bright sun rising in a clear sky, and I look around at all the flowering plants and think what a magnificent world God has made. There is a contrast between what God has made and what we have made of what God has made. Whose fault is that?
Can I just tell you something gently? We will improve nothing so long as our “progress” doubles down on rebellion. There are some basic truths given us by the Creator we must accept if we are to be good stewards of this world. God created us in His own image, and God created us both male and female. We are made in God’s image and we are made distinctly different. We are made as God wished us to be. We cannot be the stewards we should be until we accept these basic creation principles.
Then, God said, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” That is politically incorrect, but it is absolutely the truth. We are to subdue and have dominion over the earth. That does not mean that we are to ravage the earth, but it does mean that we are responsible as stewards for it. So, we are neither to worship the creation nor to treat it lightly because God made this world and He made you and me.
God made us to be good stewards. He has made us as He did for a reason. So, as you think about your day and about God’s guidance for your life, remember that “God said,” “it was so,” and “it was good.” This is the premise that helps us to be good stewards of life and all that we find within it.

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