Job 9:33 Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, that might lay his hand upon us both.

Job 9 is a cry, not of sadness primarily, but of frustration. Sadness came because of the tragedy. Frustration came because there was no discernable reason for it. I don’t know which is worse, to misunderstand or to be misunderstood.
Job misunderstood God. Job’s friends misunderstood him. They said, “Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man.” In other words, they said, “Job, you have done wrong. You need to confess your sin.” Job’s response is basically, “Show me my sin and where to find God?” Job 9:2 says, “I know it is so of a truth: but how should man be just with God?” That is a good question. He says, “If he [man] will contend with him [God], he cannot answer him one of a thousand.” Like Job, I could not get one answer out of a thousand correct when it comes to God because I can’t reach Him or bridge the gap between who I am and who God is.
Do you know what Job needed? He needed someone who could put a hand on him and put a hand on an infinite God and bring them together. Job says, “I don’t know of such a person.”
Well, the hunger that Job describes is satisfied in the living Bread, the Living Water, the Son of God and God the Son, Jesus Christ. I Timothy 2:5 says, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” Jesus bridges the gap between finite man and infinite God, between sinful man and a holy God, between weak people and an omnipotent God. Jesus bridges the gap. He does what you cannot do. That is not just true for salvation; that is true for this day, for practical life, and for the believer. Jesus bridges the gap between all that you are and all that you should be. Jesus bridges the gap between all that you lack and all that God has. Jesus bridges the gap between all that you are and all that God is.
Today, realize that you will never even touch the hem of God’s heavenly garment on your own, but Jesus Christ can go right in to the throne room of God because He is God’s Son and God is well pleased in Him. When we are in Christ, God is pleased with us as well, not because of our merits but because of Christ’s. Jesus bridges the gap, and He is the One in Whom we should put our faith for this day and for eternity.

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