Revelation 4:2 “And immediately I was in the spirit: and behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.”

A Glimpse of God

Living in a fifth-wheel trailer presents, shall we say, “unique” experiences. One thing you quickly realize is that trailers are not sound-proof. You would think that no one else inside or outside the trailer can hear you, but that’s not true! More than once, I’ve heard some nosy kids and adults on the outside discussing what it must be like on the inside. They might as well have been sitting on my couch talking to me, but they had no idea I could hear them loud and clear!

I’ve had the same thoughts of “I wonder what’s inside that door” myself. I can remember passing by homes in Beverly Hills that arrested my curiosity. Have you ever passed a palatial mansion like that and wondered what it looked like inside? I would love to just see what it looked like inside the front door!

Revelation chapter four opens the door, as it were, to Heaven and gives us a glimpse of the home of God Himself. There is no mansion, compound, or structure on earth that can compare to Heaven! It is magnificent!

Perhaps the greatest thing we will see in Heaven is not a thing but a Person. John saw a throne “and one sat on the throne.” This whole chapter is about the One who sits on the throne. What can we learn from a glimpse of God?

• God is holy. The four beasts “rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.”

• God is empowered. He is “Lord God Almighty.”

• God is unchanging. He is the Lord “which was, and is, and is to come.”

• God is worthy. The twenty-four elders worship the Lord and say, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power….”

• God is eternal. He “liveth for ever and ever.”

• God is creative. He “hast created all things, and for [His] pleasure they are and were created.”

Can you trust a God like that with your future? In a world of constant change, it is wonderful to know that God is capable and caring and unchanging!

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