Isaiah 62:2 “And the Gentiles shall see they righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name.”

At some level and to some extent, everyone is interested in making a name. Don’t believe me? Just flip open a copy of The Guinness Book of World Records! Somebody probably holds the record for the longest fingernails. (Why in the world would you do that? To make a name!) We live in a culture when adults and families will do some mindless and absurd things to get their “fifteen minutes of fame.” (Remember a particular boy and a balloon in a western state not too long ago?)
No one is more interested in the name you have than God. He takes an active interest in making a name for His people. Here in Isaiah 62:2, God says, “And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name.” The glory of His people was the glory of God; and the glory of God was the righteousness of God. Their name reflected His glory!

It is interesting that God was very eager to make a new name for His people. Their name had been “Forsaken . . . Desolate. . . .” (verse 4) Other people saw them as forsaken and desolate, not as the light that would draw Gentiles from the ends of the earth. But God made a new name for them: “Hephzibah . . . Beulah. . . .” Those names mean “my delight is in her” and “married.” In verse 12, they were now “holy. . . Sought out . . . not forsaken.” What a contrast to forsaken and desolate!
God takes an active interest in making a name for His people–not for their sake, but for His. While reading this passage, Ephesians 3:14-15 came to mind. The Bible says, “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.” Your name is important, and your family name is important. I’ve heard of a “Get Rich Quick” scheme, but I’ve never heard of a “Get a Name Quick” scheme. You can lose a name in seconds, and it takes years to build it back.

With all that being said, He is the One whose name I bear as a child of God. God apparently takes an active interest in making a name for His people. Why? Because it all goes back to reflecting the glory and righteousness of God, and that is the privilege we have today in bearing His name.

Prayer Requests:
1. Service tonight in Leesburg, VA
2. Conference on Marriage & the Home this weekend (5/6-5/8)
3. Praise–We are grateful for God’s protection during the recent flooding in Middle Tennessee. We experienced minor flash flooding but no major damage to the Ranch property.

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