Ezekiel 27:2 Now, thou son of man, take up a lamentation for Tyrus.

A True Perspective of Ourselves

We live in the day of the super-rich, the super-star, and the superhero. While I don’t consider myself to be any of those three things, it’s amazing how easily I can be fooled into taking an inflated view of myself. Just one compliment or accomplishment can have me thinking I’m something that I’m not. This is the human tendency, and it’s easy for both people and their nations. A good perspective helps us have a clear view of ourselves and of life.  Our tendency toward pride should be tempered by two things—the   brevity of life and the greatness of God.

These two elements are hammered home as you read of the destruction God predicted against Tyre, that wealthy and secure nation. We read of this Ezekiel 26 and 27. Ezekiel 26:2 says, “Now, thou son of man, take up a lamentation for Tyrus.” Why would there be a sad song sung for such a wealthy nation? Verse 3 says of Tyre, “Thou hast said, I am of perfect beauty.”

But there was coming a day of judgment because these people trusted themselves and not God. They saw themselves as great, and didn’t see God at all. Verse 27 says, “All thy company which is in the midst of thee, shall fall unto the midst of the seas in the day of thy ruin.” Now what could have helped Tyre have a more modest or accurate perspective of itself? And what could help you and me to do the same?

Realizing the brevity of life would help maintain a proper perspective of ourselves. We must realize that no matter how much we’ve accomplished or gained, we’re just a drop in the historical bucket. Time happens to all of us. Time should be the thing that gives us a sense of modesty and our own finite nature.

The second realization that should temper our pride is the greatness of God. The refrain you find throughout the book of Ezekiel is that God declares what He will do in the affairs of men. This is the statement God makes: “they shall know that I am the LORD.” He is the eternally existing, self-existent One. What He says will come to pass. Those who put their trust in God have access to a power that is unparalleled on earth and undiminished by time. 

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