II Samuel 22:2-3 “And he said, The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence.”

Some people can surprise us by being or doing something that is unexpected. For instance, take a professional football player . . . that takes ballet. He may see it as beneficial and helpful, but you would not expect that! Perhaps on Sunday morning, you see a guy in your church choir, and you think to yourself, “He sings?” In this chapter of II Samuel, we find a surprising song. David-the “bloody man”, the warrior-writes a song of dependence on God’s help. David was tough, yet tender, and he definitely made the Lord his “rock.”

We see David’s dependence in verses 2-3 with words like “rock,” “fortress,” and “horn.” A fortress is not an offensive weapon; it is for protection, a place you can trust. A horn is a weapon for defense, and David said God was his defense.

Not only do we see what God was to David, but we can see what David did in verses 4 and 7. He says, “I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies . . . In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God. . . .” David was a warrior, but he was a warrior who trusted God and prayed for the help he needed. Never forget that we are always in trouble; sometimes we are just not smart enough to realize it!

Finally we can see what God did in verses 8-10. When you read these three verses, you find that God is both tough and tender-He heard David’s cries for help, but also “the earth shook and trembled . . . because he was wroth. . . . and fire out of his mouth devoured. . . .” There is no doubt that God is powerful!

So I think this psalm of David begs an application. You can know that God does pay back. David says in verse 21, “The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness”; and in verse 25, “Therefore the LORD hath recompensed me.” God pays back-what side of the “payback” are you on? That can encourage you today because, like David, the Lord will take care of your trouble. But payback can also be troubling if you are on the wrong side of things, and God “takes care” of you!

God lives, avenges, and makes things right. God will reward-what side are you on? I hope that you are on the right side, and if you are, be encouraged today that you can trust God with your enemies.

Prayer Requests:

– Bill Rice Ranch Father & Son Retreat (5/15-16)

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