Ezekiel 7:19 “They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.”

Isn’t it amazing how universal idols are? Men have worshipped idols in every era of history and in every corner of the world. Why do people worship idols? To provide what men cannot. Ironically, who makes these idols? Men do! The very men who cannot provide for themselves make the idols they depend upon to provide. This doesn’t work!

One recurring theme in Ezekiel is God’s working in the lives of His people in order that they would know “that I am the LORD.” In chapter seven, the Lord points to the fact that instead of being a source of safety and satisfaction, the things upon which they trusted would be a stumbling block between them and God.

What are you trusting in to do what only God can do? All of us want safety and satisfaction; yet many times we search for safety in sources that have nothing to do with the God who provides safety. We can spend our entire day futilely trying to find satisfaction in every avenue except for the God who gives satisfaction. Safety and satisfaction are not found in a “thing”; they are found in a Person.

The truth is, no god that you can make is worthy of the name. No matter if it is a god of stone, a god of silver, or a god of money, it cannot and will not satisfy and protect! Nothing you can make can deliver like the God that made you. I don’t know what your need may be today. Perhaps you need security. Perhaps you need safety. Perhaps you seek satisfaction. Whatever your need, remember that God is the only One who can deliver.

Prayer Requests:
1. Services tonight in Plainwell, MI; Madison, OH; King George, VA; and Ripley, TN
2. Deaf Rally this weekend in Millville, NJ

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