John 18:21  “Why askest thou me? ask them which heard me, what I have said unto them: behold, they know what I said.”

Are You a Coward?

Would you like to know some top-secret, highly classified piece of information?  Well, did you know that the truths of Scripture are not top secret or classified?  Sometimes the world is more honest with what God has said than we Christians are.  When the Lord Jesus was questioned about His doctrine by the high priest in John 18, He answered by saying, “I spake openly to the world . . . in secret have I said nothing . . . ask them which heard me . . . they know what I said.”  Where were the people whom Jesus had taught and mentioned specifically?  Were they by His side?  No sir!  They were hiding in cowardice!

Cowardice is the gap between what you know and where you stand.  Knowledge costs you nothing; acknowledging the truth does.  Bible-believing Christians have caved in to the world’s ideas about marriage, the home, and God’s Truth.  If you look to the world or even to another person to affirm what you believe, you believe nothing.

Where do you stand?  You may say one thing, but it matters what you do.  Judas Iscariot “stood with them,” the enemies of Christ.  Peter “stood at the door without.”  Both were cowards when it came to acknowledging the truth about Jesus Christ.

I have to admit that I’ve found myself wishing that the world could just leave us Christians alone.  That is passive and cowardly, my friend!  The problem is that we are leaving the world alone.  Just like the disciples in John 18, the ones who know the Lord Jesus the best are speaking for Him the least when it actually matters.  May God help us to stand for what is right, say what is right, and follow what is right.

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