Leviticus 13:4 “If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh, and in sight be not deeper than the skin, and the hair thereof be not turned white; then the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague seven days.”

Are You Contagious?

Have you noticed how conscientious churches are these days about good hygiene? That is not bad; that is good! More and more churches have a bottle of hand sanitizer in the lobby. Some people in the congregation will forego shaking hands when they feel they may be contagious.

I must admit, Leviticus chapter 13 is a chapter that makes you want to wash your hands after you read it! The whole chapter is about contagious diseases like leprosy. It occurred to me that if we were as concerned about our moral hygiene as we are about our physical hygiene, we would be much better off as Christians.

The truth is, everybody is contagious. Our conditions are contagious. No one is unimportant. No man lives to himself or dies to himself.

The only thing more contagious than a cold or the flu is attitude. The only thing more contagious than spreading germs on your hands is spreading sin in your heart. Whatever we allow to spread in us will spread to those around us.

Today, hopefully you will wash your hands several times. As you do, take a moment to think about what else you might be spreading to others. Make it a point to keep only what is worth spreading!

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